Monday, November 16, 2009

How to aviod "traingle-head" with curly/wavy hair?

I have curly/wavy hair and I'd like to wear it down, but when I do I get triangle head (flat on top and full on the bottom). It looks horrible. Does anyone have any good tips to aviod this? Thanks!

How to aviod "traingle-head" with curly/wavy hair?

Yes, you need to get a layered cut. This will allow volume to be distributed more evenly in your hair instead of it all being at the bottom and coming out the way it does.

You don't want the layers to be too short, as the first poster said. Because if you ever straighten it, it will look like a mullet (my mother-in-law does this and it looks awful!). And even when it is curly, it will be too much volume at your crown and still have the resemblence of a mullet. Of course this is depending on how long it is. When you get layers, this automatically thins out your hair to some degree. A razor is only meant for use on thin, fine hair to add dimenion. Not curly hair! To thin curly hair properly it should be layered.

How to aviod "traingle-head" with curly/wavy hair?

Try having some layers cut on the crown of your head, this will make it pop up a little better and add some height. Also have your ends thinned out so they will lay flatter and not spread out so far on the bottom of your hair.

Good luck!

How to aviod "traingle-head" with curly/wavy hair?

Definitely a layered haircut will do the trick. Also, try using some mousse to elevate your hair near the roots and some gel or cream to define the longer pieces. I've yet to try it, but supposedly if you put in clips (like the long ones a hairdresser uses to section hair) near the roots, that will take the weight off the hair when it dries so you won't get that squished look on top.

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